Glasgow FrontRunners

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For a second year… HOMErun is back!

August is normally the time where we meet up in Kelvingrove to go on our OUTrun, unfortunately with the ongoing COVID pandemic and the uncertainty around venues, courses and races, we have decided to bring HOMErun back for a second year on Saturday August 21st 2021. We hope to bring back OUTrun once the current pandemic uncertainties subside.

HOMErun is supported by two of our annual sponsors - LEAP Sports Scotland & Queen's Cross Housing Association allowing us to continue to engage and promote health and wellbeing through running among LGBTQI+ adults, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or physical ability. We are also delighted to announce our charity partner for the event 

To find out more about HOMErun, check out the official event page by clicking on the button below…